You likely spend a significant amount of time in your bathroom, even if you don’t realize it. It is common to both begin and end your day in the bathroom, which can have a dramatic impact on the overall structure of your day. When you are decorating a bathroom, you likely want to invoke a specific emotion, such as a serene and comfortable environment. Appropriate decoration can go a long way toward improving the appearance of your bathroom. Take care to avoid some of the most common interior design mistakes to further improve your bathroom’s atmosphere. Here are some of the best tips for decorating a bathroom.
Decorating a Small Bathroom
There are certain considerations that you will want to take into account when you decorate a small bathroom. You will likely want to make the space feel much more spacious in order to improve its overall comfort. One thing you may want to implement is floating shelves. These shelves help to provide extra storage space, without taking up limited floor space. Decorative storage totes or baskets can be used to further improve the overall storage of the room. This can prevent the room from feeling cluttered and uncomfortably small. You will also want to take advantage of wall space. Use small frames with a collection of artwork, rather than one large piece of art.
You may also want to consider the mirror inside of the bathroom. A mirror, when used with the appropriate lighting, can go a long way toward allowing a space to feel much larger and brighter. You should also be careful about the lighting that you use in a small bathroom. Lighting significantly brightens the room and creates a far more cheerful environment.
Decorating a Large Bathroom
Just like with how you have to carefully decorate a small bathroom, you will have to similarly pay attention to the decoration of a large bathroom. Dramatic light fixtures can help to create a functional environment, as well as improve the atmosphere. Consider mixing textiles in a larger bathroom to prevent the space from feeling overwhelming. You can also add flowers and vases to the bathroom. This addition will help to create a relaxing, spa-like environment within the room.
Decorating a Bathroom of Any Size
Whenever you are decorating a bathroom, there are many things you will want to take into consideration, regardless of the bathroom’s size. The placement of light fixtures can go a long way toward improving the atmosphere. For example, you may want to place wall sconces on each side of the mirror, generally close to eye level. This will help to prevent shadows from occurring and will light up the face more thoroughly. When you are decorating a bathroom, you will also want to choose the color scheme based on the mood that you desire for the room. Consider whether you want a calm environment or a more energetic one.
You should also put some effort into coordinating various fixtures in the bathroom, including things like the towels, artwork, and curtains. These fixtures don’t have to match exactly, but they should maintain a common theme. This theme can be anything like color, pattern, or another common aspect.
Choosing Art
The art that you use to decorate your bathroom can go a long way toward improving the atmosphere. The right art can be implemented in order to show your personality and provide an environment that matches all of your needs. You will also want to consider the wall space that you have available when you choose the art for your bathroom. While beach scenes are extremely popular for bathrooms, there are endless options out there for decorating a bathroom.
Storage Space
The storage space of your bathroom has a huge impact on the atmosphere. When you have insufficient storage space, it is likely that your bathroom will feel disorganized or cluttered. Adding extra storage space can go a long way toward improving the overall organization of your bathroom. Take advantage of your available bathroom space and implement more storage space to improve your atmosphere.
Mirrors are a central fixture of any bathroom. It is important to carefully consider the mirrors inside of your bathroom. The right mirror can help to ensure that the bathroom feels much more spacious and inviting. You may also want to consider matching the mirror frame to other fixtures inside of the bathroom to provide a more thorough, cohesive appearance.
Shower Curtain
The shower curtain that you use in your bathroom can provide many benefits to the environment. These curtains can be used to display your personality. They are also a very easy upgrade to make to your bathroom area. A shower curtain often draws the attention of anyone that enters the bathroom, which is why it is important to choose out a shower curtain that you are happy with.
Refresh your Bathroom
If you simply want to refresh your bathroom, you may want to consider implementing a new paint job. A paint job can significantly help to improve the overall appearance within a bathroom space. They can ensure that the space feels much nicer. You should choose a color that matches the mood that you want your bathroom to have. For example, blue is a relaxing color that can help to create a far more serene environment. Painting your bathroom can help to provide a far better atmosphere within any bathroom.
At Sugarhouse Furniture, we offer a broad array of furnishings to improve any space. Our art and various textiles can be added to a bathroom to ensure that it is maintains the appearance that you want. We also carry mirrors that can significantly improve the environment within a bathroom, whether you want the room to appear larger or provide improved functionality. Our experts at Sugarhouse Furniture can help to provide you with guidance regarding the best furnishings for your home. To learn more about the best ways to decorate a bathroom or the furnishings that we offer, contact us at Sugarhouse Furniture today!